
Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
The Data Science & Machine Learning workshop organized by BTK Academy | Google | Turkish Entrepreneurship Foundation | KVKK is an unmissable opportunity for friends who are interested in the subject.
After the free training, Datathon and many more activities are waiting for you!
The first step in the Data Marathon is the Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop, a 3-week online training program,
The second step is a data competition (Datathon) open to everyone in Turkey who is passionate about data science and will have the chance to put what they have learned into practice,
The marathon is completed with the third and final step, the advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning workshop, where those who have a degree in Datathon are prioritized.
Why Should You Take This Training?
The “Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop”, which is the first step of the Data Marathon, aims to enable students who want to gain expertise in data science to access information in the most accurate way by applying theoretical and practical knowledge with instructors. By working with data sets that can be used in real life in the workshop; programming, statistics, econometrics, etc. knowledge will be transferred so that the fundamentals can be used in the industry in the most accurate way.
1. Apply to the workshop. Click here for application .
2. Complete any of the prerequisite trainings through the BTK Academy online training portal.
3. Join the online Bootcamp.
4. Pass the online exam at the end of the bootcamp and receive your certificate.
Prerequisite Trainings
Between January 7, 2022 – February 18, 2022, apply to the Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop event on and complete any of the following trainings through the BTK Academy online training portal until 23:00 on February 18, 2022 at the latest.
Python and Tensorflow for Data Science
Who Can Participate?
18 years old, university student or graduate, basic knowledge of python, statistics and data analysis,
Anyone who wants to improve themselves theoretically and practically in Data Science can participate.