Java Training Program

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Java Training Program

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Java, one of the world’s most popular programming languages, is platform independent and can be used to develop desktop, web and mobile applications.

To teach Java, one of the programming languages, starting from the basics, with all its unique subtleties and rules.

With this training, it is aimed to comprehend the logic of Object Oriented Programming by transferring all the subtleties and rules of Java Programming Language.

With this course, participants learn Java from scratch as it is used in real projects; they can do Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with Java; learn the principles of SOLID software development and get an introduction to Design Patterns.

About Education

Education Objectives:

-Spring Framework
-Dependency Injection (DI)
-Autowiring Usage
-Using Autowired Annotation
-Bean Scope Usage
-Spring Bean Lifecycle (InitializingBean – DisposableBean)
-Spring Bean Lifecycle (BeanFactoryAware – BeanNameAware)
-Using PostConstruct and PreDestroy
-Required Annotation Usage
Use of -Qualifier Anodization
Using -FactoryBean
Using -Collections
-@Component, @Service, @Repository, @Controller Annotation Usage


Training Content:

Module 1:
Java Stream and Optional Libraries with Code Practices
Project creation, Current springboot standards and facade
JPA Models and Entity
JPA Repository, DTO and DTO Converter, Service Development and Standards

Module 2:
Service Enhancements, Rest API and Converter Classes
Unit Testing, Exception Handling and API Validation, Docker Integration
Integration Testing and Github Project Creation
ReactJS Application and API requests with ReactJS

Module 3:
Spring Security – Http Basic Authentication
Java SpringBoot MongoDB Docker installation and Restful API Development
Java SpringBoot Elasticsearch Docker installation and Restful API Development
REST API development using PostgreSQL database with Java SpringBoot DataJPA

Module 4:
Java Spring Boot Swagger2 API documentation, OpenApi Specification
Java Spring Boot Queuing Mechanism with RabbitMQ
Turning Spring Boot Application into Docker Image
Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring Boot

Who Should Receive the Training?

  • Those who want to learn the basics of programming with the Java programming language,
  • Those who want to learn the technology needed by the sector
  • Those who work in the industry and want to improve their object-oriented techniques
  • It is for participants who want to learn server and client based web application development and open source application development.

Plan this training institutionally!

This training can be planned in different durations and content specific to your organization. Please contact us for detailed rich content and planning to realize your training objectives.

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Academy Club