
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on a customized version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Kotlin is an open source software language created by JetBrains to develop Android, web, server, data science and cross-platform mobile applications.
Kotlin is a free, open source programming language developed statically under the Apache 2.0 license. It is fully compatible with Java and Android. Google has announced that Kotlin will be the development language for Android in the new era. In this course you will learn how to develop applications using Kotlin and Java libraries, how to modify the kernel parts of different operating systems, how to use Perl-Linux Shell scripts, and how to develop server and client based web applications.
About Education
Android App Development with Kotlin has two content types: basic and advanced.
Basic Level Training Objectives:
- You will be able to program by mastering the Kotlin language.
- You will learn the details of Android programming.
- You will be able to develop applications professionally.
- You will be able to turn your ideas into mobile applications.
- You will be able to deliver your developed application to many people with platforms such as Google Play.
Advanced Training Objectives:
- You will be able to code professionally on Android.
- You will learn the latest builds and platforms of Android.
- You will be able to code your projects more efficiently.
- You will learn the professional parts of creating an application project.
-Kotlin Division-
- Module 1 :Kotlin Introduction
Android Studio Installation and First Project Creation
Introducing the Working Environment and Running the First Program
Opening a Project in Android Studio
- Module 2 : Variables and Data Types
Variable Creation
Constant – Constants
Type Conversion
- Module 3 : Standard Programming Structures
If Structure
When Operating Structure
For and While
Break – Continue
- Module 4 : Object Oriented Programming
Nullable Type
Extension Functions
Initialization – Constructor
Packages and Import
Visibility Modifier
Data Class
Static Variables and Methods
Inheritance Introduction / Constructor Relationship / Override / Polymorphism
Type Conversion of Objects
Interface Usage
- Module 5 : Collections
ArrayList Operations
Set / Map Study
- Module 6 : Introduction to Advanced Kotlin
Try Catch / Thread Usage
-Android Section-
- Module 1 :Android Introduction
Project Creation
Emulator Introduction / Emulator Installation
HAXM Setup
- Module 2 : Android Design
Design Introduction
Linear Layout
Relative Layout
Constraint Layout – Fixing / Sizing / Alignment / Averaging / Guide Lines / Chaining
Multi-Screen Support / Multi-Language Support
- Module 3 : Android Working Structure
Creating a New Page
Life Cycle
Switching Between Activities / Data Migration / Data Migration Using Visual Object
Back Stack and Back Key
Finish method
Fragment Working Structure
Creating an Application APK
Using Android App Bundle
Uploading the App to Google Play
- Module 4 : Android Widgets
Button – TextView – Edittext
Toggle Button – Switch Usage
Checkbox and RadioButton Usage
ProgressBar, Seekbar and Ratingbar
ImageView / VideoView / ScrollView
Using TimePicker and DatePicker
Spinner Usage
- Module 5 : User Interaction
Toast Message
AlertView Creation / Customization
SnackBar Creation / Rollback / Customization
- Module 6 : Material Design
Material Design Introduction
Floating Action Button / Labels
Toolbar Usage and Customization / Adding Options Menu / Adding Search Feature
RecyclerView and CardView Introduction
CardView Design
Add RecyclerView Structure to Android Page / Create Adapter / Show Data Inside / Change Listing View / Add PopUp Menu on RecyclerView
Bottom Navigation View Usage
Tab Layout Usage
Navigation Drawer Login and Menu Creation / Design Creation / Open / Close with Back Key / Click Menu Items / Display Fragment on Navigation Drawer / Add Title
- Module 7 : Android Storage Operations
SharedPreferences Usage / Input Counter Application
External Storage
Internal Storage
-Introduction to the Database-
SQL statements with DB Browser
FOREIGN KEY queries with DB Browser
Data Recording and Reading with SQLite / Data Deletion and Update / SELECT Queries / Ready Database Copy – Foreign Key Table Operations
- Module 8 : Advanced Android
Broadcast Receiver : Charge Level / SMS Capture / Notification Generation
Push Notification – Internet Based
- Module 9 : Internet Based Operations
Restful Architecture
Mysql Database on the Internet
Writing / Hosting Web Service with PHP
Json Parse Process
Volley Library Introduction – Insert with Volley
Update – Delete Operation / Select Operation with Volley
Retrofit 2 Library Setup / Select Operation / Insert – Update – Delete Operation
Using the Picasso Library
Firebase Realtime Database Introduction and Installation / Insert – Delete and Update Operations / Select Operations
Firebase Realtime Database Child Event Listener
Contacts App – Volley
Contacts App – Retrofit 2
Contacts App – Firebase Realtime Database
- Module 10 : Location Operations
Using Android Permission Controls
Get location with GPS
Using Google Map
- Android
- Android Jetpack
- Saving and restoring transient UI state
- MVVM architecture
- Data Binding
- Live Data
- View Model
- Navigation UI
- Paging
- Room
- Dagger – Dependency Injection
- Jetpack Compose
- Coroutines
- Work Manager
- JobScheduler
- Lazy Loading
Who Should Receive the Training?
- To be a Mobile Software Developer,
- Developing Native applications for Android operating system,
- It is suitable for participants who want to develop on the operating system used by many brand mobile device manufacturers.
The most important prerequisite to take the Advanced Level Training is to have completed the Basic Level Android Application Development with Kotlin Training or to have knowledge about the basic Android structure and Kotlin.
Plan this training institutionally!
This training can be planned in different durations and content specific to your organization. Please contact us for detailed rich content and planning to realize your training objectives.