
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages today. Its versatility makes Python a popular programming language in a wide range of fields: Data analysis, systems and network management, Web and game development, etc.
Also, Python code is more understandable and relatively easier to write compared to other programming languages. This intensive and hands-on course provides a strong foundation in programming with Python and develops it to an advanced level.
This Python course, starting with the preparation of the IDE environment required for Python code writing; using the Jupyter development environment, will cover topics such as Object-Oriented and Functional Programming, Network Programming, REGEX, Databases, HTTP and API usage, Data Formats, and all the basic features of the Python language, providing a strong ability to program in a hands-on and intensive way.
About Education
Language Overview
- Why is Python popular in many fields?
- Big Data and Database Management
- Data Science and Analysis
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Network Programming and System Automation
- Python philosophy and syntax
- Multi-Paradigm Language
- Procedural Programming
- Object oriented programming
- Functional Programming
Standard Data Types
- Python Standard Library
- Built-in Functions and Modules
- Basic Operators and Type Casting
- Digital Data Types and Functions
- String Data Type and Functions
Flow Control
- if-else
- For loop
- While loop
- break and continue statements
- Function Description
- Scope Rules
- recursion
- Random Module Functions
Lists andTuples
- Immutable and Mutable Types
- List and Bunch Functions
- Compare
- Transform
- Multidimensional Lists and Bundles
- Key and Value Pairs
- Dictionary Functions
- Sorting and Transforming
External Bookcases
- Important Libraries
- How to Install and Import
- Examples
Basic File Operations
- Opening a File with R/W/A/B Modes
- File Operations
- File and Directory Methods
Exception Processing
- Types of Exception
- Multiple Exceptions
- except dene and block
- Finally the statement
Data Formats
- Labs with JSON Files
Dates and Times
- Understanding Time
- Time Module
- Date Time Module
- Working with time zones
- Arithmetic with Times and Dates
Language Overview
Quick Review of Python Essentials
Flow Control, Functions, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Exceptions etc.
Object Oriented Programming
- Encapsulation
- Information concealment
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Overloading
- Overriding
- Constructors
- Multiple Inheritance
Advanced Functions
- Packing and Unpacking
- Zip Function
- Function Parameters: *args, **kwargs
- Iterator
- Generator
- Decorator
- Magic Method
Regular Expressions
- Regex Module
- Search vs. Match
- Find and Replace
- Option Flags
- Special Character Classes
Dates and Times
- Understanding Time
- Time Module
- Date Time Module
- Working with Time Zones
- Arithmetic with Times and Dates
OS Operating System and Other OS Systems
- How to send commands from Python to OS?
- OS Module
- SVS Module
- Shutil Module
- Subprocess Module
Network Fundamentals
- How to access remote devices from Python?
- Paramiko Library
- Netmiko Library
- Access and execute commands on Linux using Paramiko
Packaging Details
- Virtual Environments
- Create your own packages and modules
- Creating EXE files
- CLI Debugging
- PVM: CPython vs Cython vs Jython
Data Formats
- Reading and Writing Different Data Formats
- File Read/Write: Text and Binary
HTTP and API Access
- HTTP Basics
- HTTP Status Codes
- Request Module
- How to access an API?
Database Access
- SQL and NoSQL Databases
- SQLite3 Module
- SQL Basics
- CRUD Operations in SQLite3 Database
Introduction to Data Analysis
- This module only provides basic knowledge of Data Science Topics
- Understanding the Nature of Data
- Data Analysis Process
- Problem definition
- Data Extraction
- Python and Data Analytics
- The NumPy Library
- The Pandas Standard Bookshelf
- Data Visualization with Matplotlib
Who Should Receive the Training?
Those who want to learn Python from scratch
Those who want to learn programming from scratch
Those who want to master Linux basics
Application Developers, System Engineers, Database Professionals
Those working on Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Plan this training for your business!
This training can be planned in different durations and content specific to your organization. Please contact us for detailed rich content and planning to realize your training objectives.