
Apache Kafka Training provides you with in-depth knowledge of the architecture, usage and maintenance of the Kafka platform. Participants will gain the skills they need to build robust and fault-tolerant big data applications to handle massive streams of real-time data for the organizations they work for.
Participants learn the fundamental concepts of database management systems from an analysis, design, and implementation perspective. They will also see the principles of the relational database model and Oracle SQL and Apache Kafka at an advanced level.
With this course, all participants will learn how to correctly configure Kafka Producer, Consumer, data flows and connections, and develop the skills needed to take control of Kafka clusters.
The course also provides participants with the necessary skills to integrate Kafka with existing application platforms in their organizations.
Developed by Linkedin in 2011, Kafka was later turned into an open source project under the Apache umbrella.
Today, Linkedin is used by giants such as Netflix, Uber and Twitter, which have very large data.
About Education
Kafka enables seamless data flow between many data technologies, from relational databases, data warehouses, big data to NoSQL systems, regardless of protocol and system.
Big Data Ecosystem and Apache Kafka’s Place
Big Data and the Importance of Streaming Data
What is Apache Kafka? When and why should it be used?
Apache Kafka Basic Architecture
Apache Kafka Components
Apache Kafka Terminology
What is Zookeeper? When and why should it be used?
Apache Kafka Single Node Setup
Apache Kafka Multi Node (Cluster) Setup
Apache Kafka Producer Structure
Apache Kafka Producer Examples
Synchronous and Asynchronous Message Sending
Producer Configurations
Partition Structure
Apache Kafka Consumer Structure
Standalone Consumer
Group Consumer
Commit and Offset Structure
Apache Kafka Monitoring
Client Monitoring
Log Monitoring
What is Confluent Kafka?
Confluent Kafka Advantages/Disadvantages
What is Kafka Connect?
Kafka Connect CDC Structure
Kafka Connect Setup
Kafka Connect Configuration
Data Analysis with Apache Kafka
KSQL Structure
KStream Structure
Apache Kafka and Apache Spark Integration
What is Schema Registry?
Schema Registry Setup and Configuration
Who Should Receive the Training?
Apache Kafka Learners
Those Who Want to Perform Apache Kafka Installations
General Systems Engineers
General Software Engineers
Those who want to learn Kafka techniques
Professionals who want to apply Kafka Techniques on Big Data
Developers who want to build a career as a “Kafka Big Data Developer”
Testers (Messaging, Data Systems, etc.)
Big Data Architects
Project Managers (Messaging, Data Systems, etc.)
Administrators interested in a career as an “Apache Kafka Administrator”
Plan this training institutionally!
This training can be planned in different durations and content specific to your organization. Please contact us for detailed rich content and planning to realize your training objectives.