
“Geleceğin en popüler mesleklerinden biri olarak gösterilen Veri Bilimi alanında yer almak istiyorsanız bu eğitime katılmalısınız. Veri Biliminde kullanılan programları öğrenecek ve sektöre dair en güncel bilgileri alacaksınız. Sıfırdan başlayarak temel istatistik, veri bilimi araçları ve makine öğrenmesi hakkında pratik yaparak çalışacaksınız.”
Özge ÖzmenYapay Zeka ve Python Eğitmeni
Training Hours: Saturday-Sunday: 10:00-15:00
Course Program
For those who want to improve themselves in the field of data science and want to continue their career in this field, a training that conveys data science tools and provides all up-to-date information on the subject. In the training, starting from scratch, what data is, data types, data visualization, statistics for data science, regression analysis, programs used in data science, SQL, Python, introduction to machine learning will be discussed and participants will be able to understand themselves in these areas.
development will be supported.
– Data Literacy
– Personal Data Protection Law
– What is Data Science?
– What are Data Science Tools?
– Data Science Career Fields
– Data Manipulation
– Data Structures
– Data Discovery
– Data Visualization
– Data Preprocessing
– Basic Statistics
– Introduction to Probability
– Hypothesis Testing
– Regression Analysis Theory
– Analysis of Variance Theory
– Correlation Analysis Theory
– Basic SQL Usage
– What is R Programming Language?
– Where is R Programming Used?
– Basic Python
– Introduction to Machine Learning
– Use of Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sci-kit learn tools
At the end of the online training, you will receive a certificate of participation from Kolektif Academy.
Prerequisites & Requirements
You do not need to have any prior experience to take the training.
Who is Özge Özmen?
I am the founder of the Data Science Turkey community. In this community, which has nearly 3000 members in 28 cities in Turkey, I bring together people interested in data science and support them to develop themselves for data-related professions. I received an award from Stanford University in 2020 for the work done within the community. ( Women in Data Science) In the past, I founded a startup in the field of educational technologies and received awards in Turkey and abroad. With my initiative, I supported thousands of children in Turkey to receive software education. My focus in the coming years is to create works that can use data science in educational technologies and to share my experiences with those who will be involved in data science in Turkey.