
“Moda, dijital dünya, markalaşma üçgeninde kariyer yönünü birlikte bulalım! Zihninde moda, marka oluşturma, dijital alanda önemli bir yer edinme gibi tek başına büyük anlamlar ifade eden bu kavramlar iş uygulamaya geldiğinde kafanda belirsizliklere yol açıyorsa ve hangi yoldan gideceğin konusunda endişelerin varsa tüm bunlara bir ışık tutup yönünü bulmana yardımcı olacağız.”
Asena Sarıbatur
Who is Asena Saribatur?
Asena, who found herself and what she wanted by studying in different fields, studied Economics and then Cinema for the visual world she said she felt she belonged to. Her education in this field benefited her a lot, and then she realized that she was more impressed by the stylistic details of Cinema and turned to the world of fashion, which has always interested her. Her passion for magazines and her love for visuals led her to Istanbul Fashion Academy and then to study Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni. 9 years ago, she entered the industry with her internship at Marie Claire magazine. Trainings and internships followed by freelance styling. He produced content for many magazines. She wrote fashion articles for Milliyet Newspaper for 5 years. In all this process, he has always been involved in the digital world as well as traditional media. He produced projects with many brands as an influencer. Never forgetting that fashion is a global phenomenon, especially after her education in Milan, she participated in many events and fashion weeks in fashion capitals such as Milan and Paris for years, both in the digital field and representing the institutions she worked with. She gives fashion trainings at Istanbul Fashion Academy, and since writing is one of the things she enjoys the most, producing content for magazines is always on her agenda. She makes awareness-raising TV programs in the field of fashion and continues to carry out digital projects with brands by actively using social media. In this last period, when she announced her own brand, which she has been working on for 1 year, she is preparing to actively add the life styling process to her life without compromising her multi-disciplinary structure.
What will we do?
The fashion industry includes many different fields with the effect of digitalization. Many names who have received education in many different fields, or who are aware of their interest in fashion and the visual world at the stage of making a choice when they are about to receive education, but have not been able to solve it specifically, identify fashion with design and styling only because of general knowledge and turn to these fields.
In this training, we will hold a mirror to many different areas that are actually in the fashion world with individual meetings and content that we will talk about in detail.
What are the issues we will focus on?
A detailed look at his education, his career so far, what he has done
Analyzing your interest in the digital world, especially fashion, and brand building processes
Basically, which part of all these concepts that really interest you makes you the happiest?
Is it writing, designing, creating a creative world or being on the managerial side?
How do you follow your dream, even if you’ve lost a lot of time in different areas trying to find yourself?
To be a guest in other not so visible, not so preferred rooms of fashion
Sectoral analysis
At the end of the online training, you will receive a certificate of participation from Kolektif Academy.