Online: Personal Branding Training 101


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Online: Personal Branding Training 101

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Personal Brand Academy
2 days (18 hours)
50 people


“SEN marka olursan, işin de MARKA olur! İşinde öne çıkmak, marka değerini yükseltmek, görünürlüğünü ve bilinirliğini arttırmak istiyorsan, ancak ve ancak kişisel markalaşma araçlarıyla kendi değerini ortaya koyabilirsin!”

İrem Sefa YayımlarKişisel Marka Danışmanı | Kişisel Marka Akademisi Kurucusu | BrandyMe Kişisel Marka Danışmanlığı


In the Personal Branding Training, which consists of 4 modules including Personal Brand Discovery, Personal Brand Creation, Personal Brand Communication and Personal Brand Sustainability; you will clarify the elements of being a personal brand, discover your personal brand with your strengths, differentiate from your competitors with your unique value proposition, develop strategies on your personal brand perception and communication, design your personal brand experience and work on long-term personal brand planning.

Training Hours: Saturday-Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00

Course Program

Module 1: Personal Brand Discovery

What should you do to Brand Talent and Increase Personal Brand Value?
Ömer Şengüler | Brand Architect & Author of ‘Be a Brand E mi?

Designing the Future Past and Present in the Personal Brand Journey
Burcu Sen | Strategic Development and Brand Coach

Module 2: Personal Branding

How to Become a ‘Lovemark’ in Business Life?
Irem Sefa Yayımlar | Personal Brand Creator

Create Your Social Brand

İlkim Kocamaz | Social Brand Creator

Module 3: Personal Brand Communication

Charismatic Charm in Professional Life
Jülide Sesigüzel | Brand Consultant and Personal Brand Strategist

Tips for Creating Photos that Tell the Story of Your Personal Brand
Yeşim Saraçer | Personal Brand Photographer

Module 4: Personal Brand Sustainability

Personal Brand Experience Design
Esra Başaran | Personal Brand Experience Designer

Long Term Personal Branding Plan
Fulya Genç Sincik | Entrepreneur


At the end of the online training, you will receive a certificate of participation from Kolektif Academy.

Prerequisites & Requirements

Anyone who wants to stand out in business life, become more visible and known, create their own brand and/or increase their brand value can participate.

Who are the trainers?

IremSefa Yayımlar: Personal Brand Consultant | Founder of Personal Brand Academy | BrandyMe Personal Brand Consultancy

PERSONAL BRAND ACADEMY was foundedbyİrem Sefa Yayımlar, the founder of brandyMe Personal Brand Consultancy. After discovering that people can unlock their own value, potential and leadership by using their personal brand and turning his own life purpose into meaningful work, he set out to spread this benefit to more people with the vision that anyone can do it.

Ömer Şengüler Brand Architect | Author of Brand Be E Mi | Global Magic Brands

Jülide Sesigüzel Brand Consultant and Personal Brand Strategist | InnoStyle

İlkim Kocamaz Social Brand Creator

Burcu Sen Strategic Development and Transformation Coach and NLP Master | İyibiriz Corporate Development and Brand Consultancy

Esra Basaran Brand Experience Designer | Brand Experience Design

Fulya Genç Sincik | Entrepreneur | Nar Ajanda | KüçükBey

Yeşim Saraçer | Personal Brand Photographer


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Kişisel Marka Akademisi


