Online: Anger Management and Stress Management Training


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Online: Anger Management and Stress Management Training

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Kerem Gümüş
1 weekday (2 hours)
50 people


“Öfke tamamen normal, çoğunlukla da sağlıklı bir duygudur. Fakat öfke kontrolden çıkıp, yıkıcı hale gelmeye başladığında, iş yaşamında, kişisel ilişkilerde ve hayatınızın genel niteliğinde problemlere sebep olabilir. Ayrıca size kendinizi tahmin edilemez ve çok güçlü bir duygunun kölesiymişsiniz gibi hissettirebilir. Öfke yönetiminin amacı, öfkenin sebep olduğu hem duygusal hem de fizyolojik canlanmayı azaltmaktır. Sizi öfkelendiren olay ve kişilerden kurtulamayabilir, kaçamayabilir veya onları değiştiremeyebilirsiniz, ama tepkilerinizi kontrol etmeyi öğrenebilirsiniz”

Kerem GümüşUzman Psikolog

Training Hours: Thursday: 20:00 – 22:00

Why Should You Take This Training?

You will be able to gain important awareness in your life to express anger in a healthy way!

  • When you learn to manage your anger, you will be able to manage yourself.
  • You will be able to find the real reasons and thoughts underlying anger.
  • You will learn practices to control your anger.
  • When you control your anger, you will be able to prevent emotional and behavioral problems.
  • You will notice that your empathic thinking skills have improved.
  • You will realize how anger management can positively affect the development of your problem solving skills.

Course Program

Anger Definition
Symptoms of Anger
Causes of Anger
Is it possible to get rid of anger completely?
Symptoms of Uncontrolled Anger
Consequences of Uncontrolled Anger
Individual Anger
Anger in the Family
Anger in Working Life
Physiological Disorders Caused by Anger
Psychological Disorders Caused by Anger
Methods of Coping with Anger


At the end of the online training, you will receive a certificate of participation from Kolektif Academy.

Who is Kerem Gümüş?

Kerem Gümüş, Family and Adolescent Therapist, graduated from Istanbul Kültür University, Department of Psychology. She completed her master’s degree in Family Education and Counseling at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University with a scholarship.

She first worked with children with cancer and leukemia at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty. In 2013, she provided services to earthquake victims in the field of trauma and stress disorder. Later, he focused his work on “orphaned and orphaned children”.

In her working life, she gave consultancy to kindergartens, middle and high school groups as a psychologist. He worked as coordinator and administrator in many institutions.

Kerem, who provides therapy support to his clients with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Short-Term Solution-Focused Therapy and Narrative Therapy, has received training in personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, Alzheimer’s, panic attacks, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, adolescence, attention deficit and hyperactivity, learning disorders, love and internet addiction, online addictions, play therapy, family and couple therapies, and has been trained in child, adolescentenhas provided countless counseling services to adults and families. Kerem, who continues his workshops, seminars, trainings and special studies on online / internet addictions, is married and has one child.


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Kerem Gümüş


