
Training Hours: Saturday 12:00-15:00
“İşte, özel yaşamda derdimiz hep anlatılanların akılda kalmaması değil mi? Hele hele bilgi bombardımanı olan günümüzde anlattıklarımızın akılda kalması git gide zorlaşıyor. Nasıl akılda kalacağız diyorsak çözüm hikayelerde. Hikayeler hiç unutulmaz, tılsımlıdır... Kişileri olayları hep hikayelerle anımsarız, bir ön yargıyı yok etmenin yolu yine bir hikaye olacaktır. Gelin birlikte hikayelerin tılsımını keşfedelim.”
Power of Happiness
Why Should You Take This Training?
We spend our days expressing ourselves, trying to get our message right, preparing promotions, making presentations. There are areas where we find it very difficult to do these things and to listen to other people’s messages.
This program will enable you to communicate effectively, use the power of stories to express yourself, and harness the incredible natural power of stories by inviting metaphors and stories into your communication.
Course Program
Content |
The importance of storytelling in business BUILD TRUST, COHESION AND CONNECTION – CONNECTION STORY Relationship (Bonding) Stories – using stories to introduce yourself, build trust, establish rapport and show character PROMOTING OURSELVES and PRODUCTS, CREATING MEANING Explaining ourselves and our product – The importance of showing the big picture STORIES TO MAKE AN IMPACT Using stories to change behavior and overcome fixed ideas and stereotypes CONVEYING THE VALUES OF WORK How do our Corporate Mission and Values, reflected in our sales process, live in our stories? BEING A STORY COLLECTOR Ability to identify the story UNDERSTANDING WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Working on stories is more than telling stories WHY DO STORIES SELL? LIFT STORIES – Effective ways of storytelling in limited time STORY CIRCLE |
At the end of the online training, you will receive a certificate of participation from Kolektif Academy.
Who are our trainers?
Tijen Mergen has been working as a consultant, trainer, keynote speaker and executive coach at POH for 6 years after a 30-year career as a professional manager (including sales manager responsible for 27 countries abroad, Apple General Manager in Turkey, Doğan Group Executive Board Member and Vice President).
Ferah Lök After working for 20 years as a senior manager in various departments at IBM, she has been providing executive and group coaching, training and consultancy services at POH for more than 10 years.
We are consultants, trainers and organization and system relations coaches specializing in organizational development. With our knowledge and experience, we produce special services in establishing an effective, fast and sustainable process and ensuring change and transformation.
With effective methods, we raise awareness and work together in the process of creating solutions and development so that organizations can both seize opportunities and identify priority problems that cause them to underperform their capacities. We do not follow standard solutions. At the core of our work are systemic and systematic approaches, always tailored to the situation and the individual. We emphasize sustainable change and the ability of change to produce sustainable results.